Contact us

Customer service, RFQs and product inquiries

Customer Service: +358 10 217 0310
Email: asiakaspalvelu(a)
(Mon – Fri 8–16 Finnish time)

Technical Service: +358 10 217 0305

Email: tekninentuki(a)

(Mon – Fri 8–16 Finnish time)


Our staff emails are firstname.lastname(a)

Our address is:
Oy Nylund Group Ab
Masalantie 375
FI-02430 Masala

VAT number: FI22265800

Invoicing address:
Oy Nylund-Group Ab
FI-00064 Administer
email: invoice(a) – please send invoices in PDF format only.

Sales and customer service

Sales Manager
Area Sales: Wholesalers and installers
Data Networks, lighting control and lighting
Ostrobothnia and Northern Finland

Sales Assistant
Invoicing and sales orders

Sales Manager
Project Sales
Data Networks
Brands: R&M

Johan Karlsson
+358 10 217 0360
Email | LinkedIn

Managing Director

Olli Kokkonen
+358 10 217 0323
Email | LinkedIn

Sales Manager
Area sales: Wholesalers and installers
Data Networks, lighting control and lighting
Eastern and Central Finland

Petteri Laine
+358 10 2170335
Email | LinkedIn

Sales Manager
Project Sales
Lighting control and lighting

Nina Lindholm
+358 10 217 0307

Offer Calculation Specialist

Lighting, lighting control and data networks

Dan Lindström
+358 10 2170303
Email | LinkedIn

Sales Manager
Area Sales: Wholesalers and installers
Data Networks, lighting control and lighting

Western Finland

Mathias Nylund
+358 10 217 0313
Email | LinkedIn

Sales Manager
Complete lighting solution and Eco lighting

Krista Puska-Bragge
+358 10 217 0362

Sales and marketing coordinator 


Sales Manager
Area sales: Wholesalers and installers
Data Networks, lighting control and lighting
Helsinki area, Southern Finland

Tommi Tegelsten
+358 10 217 0377
Email | LinkedIn

Sales Manager
Outdoor lighting
Planners and municipalities

Product management and technical support

Lighting control

Pauli Äkkinen
+358 10 217 0304

Technical Specialist 

Lighting control

Business Unit Manager

Lighting control

Dick Ekebom
+358 10 217 0343

Technical Specialist

Lighting control

Anne Mäkelä
+358 10 217 0340
Email | LinkedIn

Sales Manager
Indoor lighting and lighting control
Planner cooperation

Heidi Nordström
+358 10 217 0324

Product Manager
Lighting control



Ilkka Kaltiola
+358 10 217 0322
Email | LinkedIn

Lighting Calculation Specialist
Offer calculation

Jari Lohiraja
+358 10 217 0328
Email | LinkedIn

Product Manager
Indoor lighting

Anne Mäkelä
+358 10 217 0340
Email | LinkedIn

Sales Manager
Indoor lighting and lighting control
Planner cooperation

Niclas Nylund
+358 10 217 0320
Email | LinkedIn

Business Unit Manager



Leena Henriksson
+358 10 217 0312
Email | LinkedIn

Logistics Assistant

Jarkko Ikonen
+358 10 217 0363

Warehouse Manager

Jukka Merikallio
+358 10 217 0311
Email | LinkedIn

Logistics Manager